
Sunday, 3 April 2016

The Origin of Fitness

Fitness has become so important in our lives. We strive to be the best at what we do. Whether that be in the gym, on the hockey and rugby field or wherever. But have we ever questioned why this is so? Fitness seems to be a relatively new idea, doesn't it? All these high tech machines in the gym, the rowing machines , the treadmill, all these were never around before. As true as that is, fitness has been around since the beginning of time. Even though the world's first people may have not realised it or thought of it as exercise, it was simply a way of life or survival. Centuries ago, mankind did not have all the machines and weights and gyms that we have today, and yet they were in better shape than we are today . “Survival of the fittest” was key throughout history and the evolution of mankind. It is a way of describing, natural selection, which is the survival and reproduction of different species due to their unique traits. This best translated as "Survival of the species that will leave the most copies of itself for years to come." Herbert Spencer first used this, after reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. 

This is a short video of a quick summary of the history of fitness from 'TrainOnline'

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